Friday 11 November 2011

back on the band wagon?'s been a rough couple of weeks.  A vacation abroad on the  mainland, birthdays, surprise visitors and my paleo-ness has taken a pretty substantial hit.  Mostly in the form of booze and french fries, though not always those two together.

Eating out while we were away - not terribly different or difficult, save for the lack of coffee 'cream' alternatives and the requisite martinis/wine just because we can. However it was a bit of a free-for-all for my birthday, and the subsequent week I'm still in with surprise visitor's from home.

It really takes a trip to the grocery store with non-paleos to drive home how terrible and impulsive my diet used to be.

I am very much looking forward for the shift back to feeling good and 'digested'.  Also, taking a break from crossfit to try something different. Am thinking about Yoga, but am definitely going to incorporate running back into my routine, if for no other reason than the slimming properties. 3 months consistently at Crossfit, no measurable difference in body size or composition, time to switch it up and see how that goes.  Goodbye, hello!