Wednesday 12 October 2011

well the headaches are gone!

Coming into the 3rd week of Paleo and here's where we're at.

I think the websites waving the Paleo flag should be a little more forthcoming with the not-so-glamorous side effects.  Like the need for a good book - because (sorry, TMI alert) you're going to be spending a lot of time in the 'quiet room'.  I mean a lot.  And often.  Might be worth buying an iPad for.

Also, the headaches, mood swings, and lightheaded-ness.  Those were fun.  Rumor has it the first month is the hardest, as it's the biggest adjustment to your system, so if you've decided to give this a go and you're finding some of these fun and unexpected 'gifts', persevere!  Apparently it gets better.

Also, the initial enthusiasm for new recipes has been dwarfed by my disinterest in scouring 1000 websites looking for something DIFFERENT.  It's alarming at how confined you feel staring at your fridge full of vegetables, meat and fruit. I mean, what did we eat before?  Meat and veg.  Maybe I was dependent on sauces and I just didn't know it?  Do I miss teriyaki sauce?   Yes I do.  Deeply.

Also, eating my body weight in cheese each week.  But today at the gym I was told I'm looking 'very lean' and in fact have inspired a friend to give paleo a go herself and that's damn good motivation.  Also the revelation that hobbits must have been Paleo.  I now completely understand the need for breakfast, second breakfast (one of my fav's), 11's, lunch....etc....  I can easily commit myself to an eating regime where I'm encouraged to eat at will.  I can eat. and I will.

Tonight's supper menu ='s lime grilled chicken done on our peculiar outdoor electric grill - I've not told the man he is cooking yet, I figure that's better left as a surprise! Maybe sauteed peppers for some color on the plate? Done and done.

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